
Treatment Centers by City

  • Onass Place
  • Onass Place
    is located at 530 Merrimon Avenue Asheville, NC. 28804 and can be contacted by calling 828-225-5115. Onass Place offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Alcoholism and Illicit Drug Addiction

    Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Alcohol Day Treatment Services, Dual Diagnosis, AIDS/HIV Clients, Lesbian and Gay, Over 50, Court Appointed Client Services, Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Speaking
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay, Sliding-Scale Fee, Payment Help

  • Contact Us
  • An intoxicated person can harm others or put them at risk of traffic accidents or violent behavior, or negatively affect co-workers, relatives, friends or strangers. Thus, the impact of the harmful use of alcohol reaches deep into society.
  • Although men are more likely to drink alcohol and drink in larger amounts, gender differences in body structure and chemistry cause women to absorb more alcohol, and take longer to break it down and remove it from their bodies (i.e., to metabolize it). In other words, upon drinking equal amounts, women have higher alcohol levels in their blood than men, and the immediate effects occur more quickly and last longer. These differences also make women more vulnerable to alcohols long-term effects on their health.
  • According to the National Household Survey on Drug Use and Health and the College Alcohol Study, during 2008, more than 500,000 full-time 4-year college students in the United States were unintentionally injured under the influence of alcohol.
  • Individuals with lower life-long alcohol consumption still have a normal amount of healthy nerves in the brain, whereas drinkers with high life-long alcohol consumption have a much larger amount of defective nerves.

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